



From 09/30/2024 to 10/09/2024


05:43 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #9 (New): Add New District
Add New District Syed Aaqib
05:38 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #8 (New): Supply Plan
Approval For Regularization State Wise
Kritika Sharma
05:37 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #7 (New): Supply Plan
Generate Revised Movement Order. Kritika Sharma
05:34 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #6 (New): Supply Plan
Generate Movement Order Kritika Sharma
05:31 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #5 (New): SUPPLY PLAN - DOF
5. Enter/Approve State Supply Plan( 1181190 - dofSPO) Gaurav Pandey
05:31 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #4 (New): SUPPLY PLAN - DOF
4.Enter Revised State Supply Plan (1181190 - dofSPO) Gaurav Pandey
05:31 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #3 (New): SUPPLY PLAN - DOF
3.Upload Supply Plan By DOF (1181190 - dofSPO) Gaurav Pandey
05:30 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #2 (New): SUPPLY PLAN - DOF
2.Enter Revised State Requirements ( 1206406 - JS-INM) Gaurav Pandey
05:29 PM Migration Of Old RO To New RO Feature #1 (New): SUPPLY PLAN - DOF
1.Enter State Requirements (1206406 - JS-INM) Gaurav Pandey

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